Hair Follicles Grown in Lab


Hair loss, or alopecia, is a common condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Recently, hair loss has witnessed revolutionary advancements in the field of regenerative medicine. Lab grown hair follicles, a pioneering development, have emerged as a beacon of hope for those dealing with hair loss. This article provides an overview of lab grown hair follicles and their importance as a potential cure for hair loss.


Lab grown hair follicles represent a groundbreaking advancement in the field of regenerative medicine, offering promising solutions for hair loss. This innovative approach involves cultivating hair follicles in a laboratory setting. This process leverages cutting-edge techniques in stem cell biology and tissue engineering.

The process of growing hair follicles in the lab typically begins with the isolation of stem cells. These cells can be derived from various sources, including adult skin cells or embryonic stem cells. Through careful manipulation in a controlled environment, these stem cells are induced to differentiate into the multiple cell types. These cells constitute a hair follicle, including dermal papilla cells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes. This differentiation is a complex process, requiring the precise replication of the natural hair growth environment. This includes the right cocktail of growth factors and a 3D scaffold that mimics the extracellular matrix of the skin.

One of the critical challenges in growing hair follicles in the lab is mimicking the intricate hair growth cycle. This includes the phases of growth (anagen), regression (catagen), and rest (telogen). Researchers aim to create hair follicles that can not only initiate hair growth but also sustain the cyclical nature. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of the molecular and cellular cues that regulate each phase of the hair cycle.

Lab grown hair follicles hold immense potential for treating baldness and other forms of hair loss. Current hair transplantation techniques simply relocate hair from one part of the scalp to another. Unlike current methods, lab grown hair follicles offer the possibility of creating an unlimited supply of hair for transplantation. This approach could be particularly beneficial for individuals who don’t have enough donor hair for traditional transplants. Furthermore, lab grown hair follicles offer a valuable tool for research. This allows scientists to study the biology of hair growth and hair loss in a controlled setting. Proper research could lead to the discovery of new drugs and treatments for hair loss. Additionally, the lab grown follicles can be used to test the safety and effectiveness of cosmetic products.


The clinical studies focusing on transplanting lab grown hair follicles into individuals with androgenetic alopecia represent a significant milestone. Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male or female pattern baldness, is characterized by a progressive thinning of the hair. This condition affects a large portion of the population. The clinical trials conducted in this area aim to explore the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of using lab grown hair follicles as a treatment option.

In these clinical studies, researchers typically start by isolating stem cells, either from the patient’s own body or from donors. These stem cells are then cultured in a laboratory setting to develop into hair follicles. This process involves replicating the complex microenvironment of the scalp to encourage the stem cells to differentiate into the various cell types necessary for hair growth. The resulting lab grown hair follicles are expected to mimic the natural hair growth cycle, including the anagen (growth), catagen (regression), and telogen (resting) phases.

The transplantation process in these studies is a critical step. The lab grown follicles are carefully implanted into the scalp of individuals suffering from androgenetic alopecia. Key factors that are monitored during these trials include the survival rate of the transplanted follicles, their integration with the surrounding tissue, and the initiation of a natural-looking hair growth cycle. Researchers also assess the density, texture, and color of the new hair, comparing it to the patient’s existing hair to ensure a natural appearance.

The outcomes of these clinical trials are vital for the future of hair loss treatments. Successful transplantation of lab grown hair follicles could revolutionize the approach to treating androgenetic alopecia, offering a potentially unlimited source of donor hair for individuals who lack sufficient donor hair for traditional transplants. It could also pave the way for personalized treatments, where hair follicles are grown from a patient’s own cells, minimizing the risk of rejection.


The benefits of lab grown hairs in hair loss treatment are multiple, including the following:

  • Permanence Meets Naturalness: They deliver permanent and natural-looking results by replicating the appearance and growth pattern of native hair.
  • Bespoke Solutions: Researchers have honed the art of crafting customized hair follicles that harmonize perfectly with the individual’s natural hair characteristics, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing match.
  • Versatile Applications: Beyond addressing androgenetic alopecia, they hold promise in the treatment of diverse hair loss conditions, encompassing alopecia areata and scarring alopecia.
  • Empowering Regeneration: The strategic combination of lab grown hair follicles with stem cell therapies has the potential to supercharge the process of hair regeneration, opening new horizons for individuals seeking robust hair regrowth.


Although lab grown hair follicles show promise, significant challenges remain on the path to widespread adoption:

  • Scaling Up Production: Large-scale production of lab grown follicles is an ongoing logistical challenge, necessitating advances in technology and infrastructure.
  • Cost and Accessibility: Presently, the cost of lab grown hair follicle treatments may be a barrier for many individuals, highlighting the need for efforts to enhance affordability and accessibility.
  • Long-Term Safety and Efficacy: Ongoing research and comprehensive long-term studies are imperative to affirm the safety and efficacy across diverse hair loss conditions.


Lab grown hair follicles represent a significant step forward in the fight against hair loss. This emerging technology, while still in its developmental stages, holds promise for creating a sustainable and effective solution for those suffering from hair loss, and offers a rich platform for further research into hair biology and disease. As the field advances, it is expected that lab grown hair follicles will become an increasingly viable option for both clinical and cosmetic applications.

View the latest paper on in Vitro Hair Follicles from the National Library of Medicine.


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